As for the improvement of potency in men the natural way

In today's world, almost every fourth man problems with potency. For an improvement of the Situation of man itself, synthetic drugs, the correct only at the time the Situation is to be appointed. However, they are not cure the disease, but only temporarily improve the potency.

Natural ways to increase potency

The occurrence of erectile dysfunction to see a doctor, but before that you can try natural ways for healing of the body.

Natural ways to increase potency
  • Diet. In the food all the vitamins and minerals: B vitamins, C, E, zinc should be.
  • Physical Activity. It is proven that exercise leads to lack of to disruption of erectile function. Therefore, we must have time for the workout and try to lead an active life.
  • During the same time, you can Kegel exercises, the result you will notice after 1-2 weeks.
  • The extra weight. Obesity leads to diseases of the heart, Diabetes, General deterioration of health. If you are overweight the levels of testosterone in the blood decreases, and the content of female hormones, on the contrary, increased. All of the above factors lead to a deterioration of potency.
  • Bad Habits. Smoking, alcohol and drugs reduce the erection in men. For the improvement of potency in a natural way of harmful habits must be abandoned.
  • Stress. Psychological experiences very little influence on the sexual function. Man you should try to avoid Stress and depression, if he alone can not cope – a doctor should be consulted.
  • Sleep. You sleep at least 8 hours, because sleep disorders can also the normal potency disturb.

Natural means to increase potency in men

When a man begins to notice, the disturbance in the sexual function – you can have recourse to natural means.

Badger Fat

This natural means to increase potency in men, that helps to prevent inflammation, but also contains vitamins, amino acids. It is taken orally, Pre-melt.

Bearish Fat

Apart from its natural type, you can take it in capsules. Bearish fat is very useful, it contains vitamins, fatty acids, substances that the production of hormones.


Eggs contain large amounts of vitamins: A, B, D, and Magnesium, folic acid, phosphorus, selenium and many other elements necessary for a normal potency. You eat chicken and quail eggs, in the past – the content of useful substances much more.


It is a substance of the germ-glands of beavers, which is included in the composition of a large number of important elements. The beam can be in the Form of decoction, tincture, or powder, and such a positive action: it has relieves inflammation of the cardiovascular System, is regulated, has a positive effect on the work of the sexual organs.

Bee Products

Bee and Perga – very much an effective remedy used to improve potency. Ambrosia Pollen is the saliva of the bees treated. This product improves the production of sperm, strengthens the immune system and contains large amounts of vitamins and amino acids. From the dry bees, decoction made, which should be consumed within a month.

Plants and herbs

It is proved that the use of decoctions of herbs can a very positive effect on the sexual function of men. Should pay attention to such herbs such as: parsley, thyme, nettle. Such plants as celery, is also affect very well. To improve the potency nuts and honey is recommended.