Questions about increasing male potency can arise at any age as changes in a person's lifestyle and condition are reflected in this area. Normal male strength is a prerequisite for self-confidence and high self-esteem. In addition, it is evidence of physical health. It is for these reasons that so much attention is paid to potency by doctors and ordinary people.
What problems can there be in this area, how can it be improved, which specialists you need to turn to? Knowing this information, you can remain an excellent lover for many years, and not lose strength and enthusiasm.
What is it?
In medicine, potency refers to a man's ability to have sexual intercourse, that is, this concept is the ability to have a normal sex life. It should be remembered that excessive rhythm and frequency of sexual activities are not an indicator of sexual health, since with certain deviations and diseases, sexual activity increases sharply, which is by no means normal. When assessing male strength, experts pay attention to the following parameters:
- the tension (hardness) of the penis - it must be sufficient for the introduction into the genitals of the partner;
- the rate at which an erection occurs for reflex reasons (touching the body, genitals) or psychogenic reasons (thoughts about sex, imagination, contemplation of a sexual object, characteristic moans, and other sounds);
- the duration of sexual intercourse (the average is 5, 4 minutes, but can vary widely in individual cases);
- normal course of action.
Penis properties during erection
A member in an excited state changes outward. An approximate estimate of the libido can already be given on the basis of these external parameters and properties. The most important parameters that doctors pay attention to:
- Increase the length. As a rule, in owners of longer penises, the increase in length during erection is less than when it is at rest, but this difference is very evident in a small organ.
- refraction period.In common words, this is the shortest interval between orgasm and the closest erection. The time it takes to recover is sometimes very different, even for the same person. This period can be calculated in minutes or hours. The older the person, the longer the refraction period becomes.
- Elevation angle.This is the difference between a non-erect position and an erection, measured in degrees. The maximum increase is observed on average after 20 years, then it becomes a little less and after 50 years it decreases significantly. There is another dependency: the owners of a thick and a large penis have a smaller angle of elevation than men with a small penis because the weight of the organ itself prevents it from rising high.
- perseverance.This is the interval between the onset of arousal and ejaculation. Put simply, it is the time a person can have sex before ejaculation occurs. Endurance is increased when the same center of the brain is constantly stimulated. So having sex with the same partner leads to an increase in stamina.
- elasticity.This parameter can be measured. To do this, doctors determine how many grams of excitation mass are needed to overcome the resistance of the penis and force it into a position that is characteristic of a non-erect state. A magnetodynamic indicator of internal pressure is also used. Normal elasticity values are over 50 units.
- Enlarge the circle.To determine this parameter, measure the volume difference at the base and at the edge.
The term "erection" means "hard", "upright". The limb should be designed so that it can easily enter the vagina. Do not forget that the ease of penetration also depends on the condition of the vagina itself: how moist it is and what anatomical parameters it has.
Anatomy of arousal

In the structure of the penis there are three longitudinal bodies that can fill with blood. These bodies have many blood vessels that carry blood to the organ. Two of them are called cavernous bodies - the elasticity and hardness of the penis depends on the degree of their fullness. The third structure - the spongy body surrounds the urethra and, although it is also filled with blood, it is not as strong as the cavernous bodies.
In order for blood to accumulate in these structures in the required amount, the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system is necessary. To the genitals, blood constantly flows through the arteries, but the volume of the flow increases significantly when excited. The pressure in the corpora cavernosa during erection becomes approximately 26 times higher than at rest. The increased pressure puts pressure on the drainage veins and narrows the drainage pathways.
Another important prerequisite for normal potency is the correct functioning of the nervous system. The brain and spinal cord conduct signals for increased blood supply to the corpus cavernosum and further ejaculation. When the nerves are pinched or atrophied, these processes usually don't happen. Doctors distinguish the following algorithm for sexual intercourse in men of normal potency:
- feeling of sexual desire;
- foreplay (average - five minutes);
- sustained erection;
- inserting the penis into the partner's genitals;
- rubbing for a few minutes;
- ejaculation and orgasm.
Maximum and Minimum
Even a healthy man can have recessions or spikes in sexual energy, and these conditions replace each other many times over the course of his life. The maximum is observed under the following conditions:
- psychological comfort;
- emotional arousal;
- rest time (e. g. vacation);
- new sex partner;
- in the midst of good news;
- after winning a conflict, competition, or battle.
A natural decrease in libido is possible with:
- psychological conflicts;
- excessive physical exertion;
- strong passion for something;
- to be overloaded with things and many worries;
- coldness of the partner.
After a long period of abstinence, the libido can decrease, which is restored over time with the return of periodic sex.

Doctors call various violations of the potency "erectile dysfunction". This concept means that a man cannot have a normal sex life. Problems can be related to the arousal or physiological function of the penis. Sometimes the tone of the penis is so reduced that sexual intercourse becomes impossible. There may also be problems with ejaculation: premature ejaculation, pain and discomfort at that moment. The most severe stage of erectile dysfunction is impotence.
One-time failure during sex should not be considered a violation: you need to understand that the human body is not an automaton. Just as it is not always possible to fall asleep normally, sexual activity can have various episodes and one-off interruptions. However, if mistakes are repeated more than four times in a row, we can conclude that there is an urgent need to look for reasons and take action.
Decreased sexual activity can be caused for two reasons:
- psychogenic- they are 4-5 times more common in young people under 40 than in older men;
- of organic origin- various diseases and malfunctions in the work of body systems, they are more prone to representatives of the older generation.
Such problems are related to a person's mental state. As a rule, in the face of this phenomenon, a man becomes even more anxious, so the situation quickly worsens. Doctors suggest a psychological decrease in effectiveness in a patient with the following symptoms:
- sudden onset of crashes;
- persistent nocturnal or morning erections;
- the possibility of successful masturbation;
- the appearance and decrease of arousal when trying to have sex;
- the appearance of a sustained erection when it is known that it will not be possible to continue intercourse;
- Selectivity of violations - only with a certain partner or in certain situations.
The combination of these signs indicates that the problems are psychological in nature and can be eliminated through psychotherapy. This group does not include perversions, disorders in severe mental illness - these are not psychological, but psychiatric factors and other specialists deal with them. All psychogenic problems can be broken down as follows:
- situation.An example would be the lack of conditions for privacy with a partner, the possibility of someone suddenly entering the premises, fear of the partner becoming pregnant, prolonged abstinence.
- Traumatic.Appears as a result of memories of sexual failure, partner dissatisfaction with sex, fear of being ridiculed or rejected, fear of losing an erection.
- partnership problems.These include frequent conflicts, poor relationships between partners, coldness, aggression, differences in preferences and limits of what is allowed during sex.
- Personal.Typical of impressive people, especially if they have low self-esteem, an attitude towards maximum partner satisfaction, strict upbringing and fear of intimacy with a loved one, feelings of guilt for physical pleasure.
Most of these problems are combined. A person's sexual constitution is also of paramount importance. If it is below average initially, the external mental impact will be more pronounced. The main difficulty lies in the fact that with psychogenic dysfunction, it is very difficult for a man to turn to a specialist to diagnose and improve the quality of sex, because he is ashamed and afraid of being ridiculed.
Such violations can be identified using the following criteria:
- gradual development and aggravation of the situation;
- Lack of night and morning erections;
- Problems persist when you try to masturbate.
In these situations, you need to undergo a full examination and identify the cause. Top organic factors:
- Disorders of the cardiovascular system. They cause a violation of the blood supply to the penis, disorders in the outflow of venous blood. Such deviations are caused by a heart attack, inflammation of the blood vessels, and arteriosclerosis.
- Injuries to the pelvic organs or congenital vascular diseases, the consequences of surgical interventions.
- dysfunction of the nervous system. Doctors often find the cause of a stroke, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, or spinal cord malfunction.
- Respiratory dysfunction. It can be pulmonary obstruction or apnea.
- Systemic disorders such as liver damage, metabolic disorders, soft tissue disorders.
- Diseases of the regulatory systems and hormonal disorders. For example, a malfunction of the thyroid gland can lead to a sharp decrease in libido.
- Consequences of taking certain drugs - psychotropic drugs, drugs to lower blood pressure or drugs for allergies, hormones.

In this case, both psychogenic and physiological factors are combined, while they only aggravate each other.
Risk factors
There are a number of predisposing factors that increase the risk of worsening in terms of gender. They are linked to lifestyle, genetics, and other circumstances. The most common are:
- Chromosomal disorders that affect the development of the genitourinary system;
- violation of insulin metabolism;
- being overweight and sedentary;
- smoking and alcohol abuse;
- Exercising with a high risk of spinal injuries.
Another risk factor is neglect of the state of health.
Which doctor should
his?PLEASE NOTE!If there is a need to improve libido, then you need to turn to specialized specialists who can competently help a man. Such problems are mainly treated by urologists and andrologists. A close specialist listens to complaints and conducts an initial examination during the appointment. Sometimes additional tests are required, which the doctor will inform the patient about.
If the specialist deems it necessary, he will refer the person for additional consultations with a psychotherapist, psychologist, cardiologist, neurologist or other close specialist.
It is not worth hoping that the problem will go away on its own. Delay threatens that sex will only stay in memories, as time is lost.
To improve the quality of sex, the following treatments are used:
- drugs;
- vacuum therapy;
- massage;
- movement therapy;
- operation;
- shock wave therapy;
- psychotherapy;
- prosthetics.
The effectiveness can be increased with the help of various drugs. The development of such drugs began en masse in the second half of the 20th century. With such means, it is possible today to improve blood circulation in the penis, if other diseases are not identified or successfully eliminated. What kind of medication are prescribed:
- Delay for PDE5. These are very effective drugs.
- Preparations based on herbal ingredients. Herbal compositions for improving male strength have been used for many centuries, and now special pharmaceutical preparations are made on their basis. Often these include ginseng, dill, St. John's wort, Dubrovnik, Eurycoma long-leaved, creeping tribulus.
- injections that relax the smooth muscle fibers.
- Synthetic hormones as a substitute for natural testosterone.
Many of the drugs in this line are temporary and have side effects. The choice of these drugs should be carried out by a doctor, who can consider all the nuances and consequences for the body of taking them.
vacuum therapy

For such therapy, special devices are used that work on the principle of a pump. With their help, blood is passively pumped into the penis and stored there with compression rings.
With this type of treatment there is no long-term retention of the results, so it is used on a situational basis. This allows you to induce arousal to have sex once, but to rebuild you will have to use the vacuum pump again.
To achieve this effect, massage courses are carried out in the pelvic area or in the pubic area. This has a positive effect on the work of blood vessels, and repeated courses have a positive effect on the process of arousal. If there are no serious diseases among the causes of erectile dysfunction, massage in combination with other methods will give excellent results. Many patients can self-massage at home after consulting a massage therapist who will teach the proper techniques.
Movement therapy
This method is good because you can get the effect without medication. In exercise therapy, the muscles of the perineum are intensively trained. This eliminates muscle stagnation, especially with a sedentary lifestyle, which improves the work of the vessels of the small pelvis. At the same time, the muscles around the penis and scrotum are strengthened. All of this has a positive effect on the quality of sex.
Shock wave therapy
A new type of potency enhancement based on the ability of sound waves to make the walls of blood vessels more elastic. The improvement occurs after just 1-2 sessions. The application of shock wave therapy has a lasting effect when used in a course. Sometimes this technique eliminates the need for medications and other medications, and in some cases eliminates the need for surgery. Another advantage is the lack of contraindications.
Operating methods
If other methods don't work, they can resort to surgical treatment. Vascular surgery is performed, which makes the venous outflow less intense. The second type of surgery aims at a more active flow of arterial blood into the corpus cavernosum. The main disadvantage is the rapid disappearance of the effect, since the positive consequences of the operation, as a rule, do not last more than a couple of years.
Psychotherapy is carried out to remove any blockages that interfere with the normal sex life of a physically healthy person. For this kind of restoration of potency, mutual understanding with a psychologist is very important. Sometimes meetings are held in collaboration with a partner. This type of therapy often solves the problem without drugs, pills, and radical treatment.
If none of the above methods help, resort to prostheses. An implant is placed in the phallus. The design and the degree of complexity are selected individually depending on the situation. With dentures, you can have an active sex life for many years. Typically, these products are similar to pumps that pump blood into the cavern bodies at the touch of a button, although there are many different models that differ in functionality and cost.
How to improve yourself at home
Every man who does not have diseases that affect the erection can improve his potency at home. There are many best practices for doing this that have been used by more than a generation.
Change of lifestyle

Male strength largely depends on a person's lifestyle. In order to feel an improvement in this area, you need to start with such changes: quit smoking, do not abuse alcohol, and exercise systematically.
It is important to seek the help of a doctor in a timely manner so that diseases do not worsen and become chronic, since everything in the body is interrelated and even a mundane cough, if left untreated, will eventually lead to sexual failurecan lead.
Traditional methods
Traditional methods are a simple and effective way to increase effectiveness. Many of them are now approved by official medicine, but you need to keep in mind that the body reacts to different components individually. So if you combine a lot of means, the result will be difficult to calculate. To improve male strength at home, medicinal herbs such as chamomile, St. John's wort, parsnips, dill and parsley, aloe, yarrow, and creepers have long been used. From the large list of medicinal plants, you can choose those that will help solve the existing problem:
- to improve sperm quality - chamomile tea at night;
- to improve desire - eleutherococcus, ginseng, lemongrass, rhododendron, blue roots of cyanosis;
- in anticipation of failure and increased fear - valerian roots, hop cones, mustard seeds, nettles, which act as a sedative and relieve blood flow to the pelvic area;
- from premature ejaculation - licorice root, thyme, juniper berries, horsetail, persimmon;
- to increase libido - black currant, rose hips, plantain leaves, creeping anchor, yarrow.
All of these herbs help increase sexual activity. But remember that they must be consumed separately or properly combined with each other.
Certain drugs with pronounced and rapid effects are now also available on the Internet. Medicines can be made in the following forms:
- drops;
- tablets;
- capsules;
- powder.
Some of them act quickly, so they are consumed just before intercourse. The instructions for each of these medicines indicate how much a pill or powder should be taken to be in full readiness at the right time. Other funds are drunk for several months to correct sexual function, and their effectiveness is milder, but longer-lasting.
At the moment there are different types of such drugs:
- drugs to restore sexual function;
- supplements for male strength;
- Aphrodisiacs to increase attraction.
The first group are drugs. It is therefore better to consult a doctor before using. The second is natural remedies that are based on natural ingredients, have a minimum of side effects, and are suitable for many people. The third group - special tools that allow you to set the right mood and prepare your body for sexual activity.
The main rule:You only need to buy such drugs from verified websites that have certificates and other documents published to confirm that this drug is not a fake. It is important to read the instructions and make sure that there are no contraindications so as not to harm your health.
Special food
Diet is very important for a positive effect on potency at home. Even urologists and andrologists admit that properly selected dishes can make a difference for the better. This method is based on the fact that certain foods help increase levels of male hormones. First of all, you need to remember one proven method - eating with a sufficient amount of spices. Ginger, red and black pepper, cloves, garlic and other spices have played the role of aphrodisiacs for many centuries, successfully used by the best lovers of ancient civilizations.
Products that have a positive effect on the sexual sphere are walnuts, sour milk drinks, pumpkin, spinach, asparagus, pomegranate and figs. Another point of proper nutrition for a man is an adequate amount of protein. Seafood, fish, beef, cottage cheese - all this should appear on the table often. Regular use of a cocktail of kefir and bananas or freshly squeezed carrot juice is great too, and a glass of warm water with dissolved honey drunk an hour before sex will make intercourse longer.
It should be noted that overeating affects potency very badly even in healthy people. After eating, the body is no longer able to reproduce, it is busy digesting food, and obesity decreases stamina and male strength, so obesity should be excluded.
Men who live under constant stress and anxiety can use sedatives to influence sexual performance at home. Such funds will help to become more stable and calm, which will have a positive effect on sexual function.
Doctors believe that potency does not decrease with age. It is entirely possible to live to old age and remain an active lover if you take care of your health and use available methods of maintaining sexual activity.
in summary
In order to maintain sexual activity for many decades and not experience errors in this area, you need to follow the advice of urologists and andrologists. These experts see two main negative factors:
- lack of knowledge of one's own anatomy and the principles of the normal functioning of the reproductive system;
- irresponsible attitude towards their health.
Due to the fact that men are not very interested in how the genitals are arranged and what diseases can appear in this area, a variety of myths and stupid and sometimes dangerous methods of becoming more active during sex arise. Moreover, any failure becomes too global in people's eyes, they mistakenly extend it to all of their future lives, only adding weight to it.
The second point is the neglect of reproductive health. Unlike women, who regularly undergo examinations and understand the colossal consequences of diseases of the genital organs, the average man does not seek help, even when the first or clear signs of pathology appear.
Understanding these moments as early as possible, turning to specialists and using all kinds of harmless drugs to correct male strength, you can remain an excellent lover until you are venerable.