Accumulated for centuries, healers know allow each man to choose a Dull and dreary for the solution of a piquant impotence problems in bed. Recipes for potency is suspect, the correct use of medicinal plants and foods. It is important to remind that the application be extended to natural remedies: the natural ingredients differ by the cumulative effect, accordingly, you must Tune in to the duration of the treatment.

Effective recipes for the raising of the standard of potency
Effective recipes for increase of male power – water-extracts, alcoholic tinctures, various herbal teas. Also useful at the end of the excitation and special courts-aphrodisiac, stimulating, on an emotional level.
Ginger Drinks
Ginger – one of the best known natural stimulants. In addition, it promotes the blood circulation and the synthesis of testosterone, struggling with early ejaculation, it normalizes psychological background.
Also, the plant has a positive effect on the circulatory system and freed of urological diseases. In combination with honey, is another potent activator potency, root horned is the most effective means to combat erectile dysfunction is.
The most popular drink – ginger tea. Is prepared as follows:
- Boil 2 Liters Of Water;
- Take the peel of a fresh root, finely chop and pour in boiling liquid;
- Subtract Gas cooking and drink 15 minutes;
- Add a slice of lemon and a little honey;
- Drink a glass after eating.
More than an exotic variant – coffee with ginger. Recipe Preparation:
- Ginger take powder, cinnamon, cardamom, and rosemary;
- Mix the ingredients as follows;
- Cook like normal coffee, proportions – ½ teaspoon useful mixture to a Cup.
Tincture Of Calamus Swamp
The plant calamus swamp decides, the whole complex of tasks.
Receiving potions of the plant helps:
- Repair Libido;
- Stabilize Erections;
- Cope with the disease of the genital and urinary systems;
- Stimulate the blood circulation in the genitals;
- Increase the vitality.
A tincture on the Basis of the root of the medicinal grasses, are in need of:
- Ground into powder and 100 G of root;
- Pour a Liter of high quality vodka;
- To the fact 2 weeks in a dark place;
- Every few days shake;
- You drink 5 ml before Breakfast or dinner.

Vitamin Mixtures
The combination of nuts, dried fruits and honey are able to overcome many of the symptoms of erectile dysfunction. To make such mixtures very easily at home, they are also tasty and nutritious.
Actionable dishes are:
- In the bowl of a blender pour 250 ml of honey. There, 180 G of fill of dried apricots and prunes. Peel 150 G walnuts and add them to the components. Loops until the state of homogeneous mass. You must eat 1 tablespoon twice a day, with yogurt, or mix with sour cream;
- You mix 100 G of peeled pumpkin seeds, peanuts, cashew nuts, hazelnuts and walnuts. Milling a convenient way. Daily Dosage Is 1 Tablespoon. Before taking the days need to mix with honey in the ratio of 3:1.
Scrambled eggs for potency
Especially recipes for the potency of the men suspect the preparation of tinctures, however, to achieve effective and quite fast erection with the help of scrambled eggs, cooked a special way.
In the basic 3-component, positive to the sexual soundness:
- Eggs, which required men Protein, and the substance, the activation of the production of testosterone;
- Onions, also a high level of sex hormones, sharpen the sensitivity of the Penis and the improvement of microcirculation in the body;
- Garlic, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and reduces the activity of pathogenic micro-organisms in bacterial Prostatitis.
Fry scrambled eggs should:
- 2 finely chop and fry the onions until dark Golden color;
- Add to smashed 1-2 tablespoons of contained olive oil, and 3 eggs;
- A couple of cloves of garlic, crush and grind, in the almost-finished scrambled eggs.
If necessary, expand the amount of ingredients, add minced meat or chopped tomatoes. The first variant makes the dish filling, and the second provides additional vitamins complex.
Recipe with horseradish
The usual Russian horseradish plant, which has a positive effect on male function.
The root contain nutrients to improve the blood circulation, prevention of infectious diseases, the normalization of reproductive functions, increase sex drive.
Especially the regular consumption of shit, kvass helps in case of problems with the potency. Cooking wholesome drink you can:
- 0.5 kg of grinding roots and pour 1.5 liters of cold purified water;
- Leave you in the dark and cool for a week;
- After the expiration of the time Squeeze in the Infusion of juice of 4 small lemons;
- Add 500 G of honey bright varieties;
- Again, insist 7 days;
- You drink 20 G twice daily, an hour after taking.

Love Tea
Homemade recipes love to reach off to the us to their deep antiquity. For the preparation of use as fees and herbs separately.
Naturopaths recommend the recourse to the thyme and nettle. The first component in the treatment of various sexual dysfunctions, the second stimulates the Libido, increases the production of male sex hormones, stimulates the blood circulation in the genital area, enhances the activity of the genitourinary system.
Folk recipe of tea on the grsern:
- Mix 2 tablespoons of thyme, nettle, mint and St. John's wort;
- Pour into a thermos and pour the boiling water to the brim;
- Wait 25 minutes, miss through cheesecloth and pour into a glass bowl;
- Drink three times a day a glass of.
Useful drink with Soda
Baking powder is active in the national treatment of sexual dysfunction.
A number of healing properties:
- Reduces inflammation in the area of the small pelvis;
- Contributes to the prevention of tumors;
- Strengthens the immune system;
- Improves metabolism;
- Improves the blood flow in the genitals.
In combination with milk is a wholesome drink is preparing to be ready, with a disorder of potency. You have to heat fluid in the volume of the Cup and dissolve in ½ teaspoon of baking powder. You take the medicine daily after dinner.
For those who are allergic to lactose or simply don't like the taste of milk, there is a variant of the preparation of sodium hydrogen carbonate with honey. The mixing ratio is 1:3. Product of beekeeping Pre-heat in a water bath. You eat a teaspoon after meals three times a day.
Dishes with celery
Can be often in the recipes for potentiality increase. In particular, the high results in the treatment of sexual disorders shows celery. With its help, the composition of the sperm, increased erections, improved sex drive activated.
For the stimulation excitation, we recommend to prepare the following dishes:
- Finely 150 G of celery, and a large Apple cut. Season with a mixture of honey with yogurt. There are for Breakfast;
- To mix equal parts of celery, walnuts and grapes, to grind all the components. Add the yogurt or sour cream with a minimum fat content of paint. You can eat this mixture 2 times a day.
Homemade drugs with Propolis
The use of Propolis for men is not clarified for a long time, means discussed only to populists, but also by qualified doctors.
The "black Gold" helps:
- Prevent the development of prostate adenoma;
- The nervous stabilize the system;
- Improve the blood circulation in the small pelvis;
- Increase the production of testosterone;
- Realize the prevention of infertility.
On the Basis of Propolis tincture is prepared, as well as the rectal candles:
- 20 G of Propolis grind, put them in a glass container and add 80 ml of pure alcohol. They lay for a week in the room without access of light. Stir every 2 days. You will take 30 drops half an hour before each main meal. The agent diluted in a glass of water;
- Melt fat 100 animal, with a water bath. Add 25 G of Propolis and wax, pre-shredded. Stir and add the mass to cool. Divided into small pieces, and make candles. Use in the course of 14 days, after 1 in the night.
Water Extracts Of Shilajit
A mineral product is one of the drugs, which have a positive effect on the condition of the genitourinary system, of the vessels, of the digestive organs.
Shilajit inhibits inflammation, regenerates the tissue, provides strength and energy. Useful water-infusions for the restoration of potency, which is as follows:
- In a mortar, 2 G of the dried mummy of a grind. Powder, pour 100 ml of boiled water at room temperature. 5 minutes, then stirring until the formation of the slurry. Conveyor belt Hack through several layers of cheesecloth and pour clean water to the 0.5 L;
- The same amount of raw materials, stirring in 500 ml of water to a boil picedit, in a water bath for 30 minutes;
- Pokipyatit purified water and cool it to 60 degrees. Pour 5 G of crushed mummy. Day Exist. Through cheesecloth, filtered and diluted with water to a volume of 500 ml.
Resources on plant-based raw materials
The ability of some plants has indirect influence on the male Libido and quality of erection in the ancient world. The increase in the potency with the help of herbs possible under certain conditions :
- a sufficient concentration of the active ingredient (for this purpose, it is advisable to acquire the extracts of some plants in the pharmacy);
- regular and long-term taking;
- no severe illnesses, negative impact on the potency.
The effect is not inhibitors, as fast and useful as, for example, after the PDE5, but in the long term and without negative reactions on the part of the body.
As stimulators of erectile functions and Libido the people's medicine the following plants is recommended :
- goathead;
- Aloe;
- St. John's wort;
- Ginseng;
- Thyme;
- Nettle;
- Licorice root;
- Fireweed;
- Lemon grass;
- Calamus Swamp;
- Cuscuta;
- Dubrovnik;
- Hawthorn;
- Golden root;
- pine cones;
- Oak bark;
- kopeechnik.

The effect of the herbs aims to increase the General muscle tone, activation of blood circulation, suppression of pathogens, the Regulation of the endocrine and nervous system.
Simple and effective recipes :
- 100 G of thyme, pour a glass of boiling water, to insist to cool. You drink after the meal, 2 times per day;
- 100 G Ginseng root pour 200 ml of boiling water for 2 days, then on the fire, then within 40 minutes. The Sud leave to cool a little, add a tablespoon of honey and 1/3 teaspoon of cinnamon, and drink it in the course of the day after meals;
- 2 tablespoons chopped fresh nettle (previously steamed young leaves), pour 100 ml of boiling water for half an hour. Drink 2 times a day for 20-25 minutes before eating.
Bee products
In addition to the usual honey bees and a variety of other useful products for potency: Pollen, Propolis, produce, drone, and Royal jelly. Effect only in the medium, the qualitative raw material, therefore, order it is preferred if knowledgeable, our private beekeepers.
Perga − fermented bee Pollen, which is stamped in a honeycomb, and then as a food use. This product is unique to the high content of bioactive elements (more than 200). In Perge, a large number of easily digestible protein, vitamins B1, B6, B2, P, A, D, E, mineral salts, organic acids, hormones and enzymes. Enough for 2 weeks take one teaspoon per day (on an empty stomach) to increase the hemoglobin, the strengthening of the blood vessels, improves blood composition. For the amplification of the potency of a bee about a month to consume, then a break for 2 weeks.
Increase Libido and also impotence help get rid of drone milk (the used) – "milk" the larvae of the bees-drones. To contain In them in addition to a number of amino acids, vitamins and steroid hormones, which are safe for the men of the endocrine system. are The used Libido, homeopath stimulates as an aphrodisiac, and also be able to quickly restore the erectile function, improve sperm motility.
Of course, drugs on the Basis of bee products helps in the improvement of the indicators of the semen, increase potency, improve tone, get rid of the symptoms of Prostatitis. Due to the activation of the sex glands, increases the synthesis of testosterone.