Folk remedies for the improvement of potency in men can help in the fight with erectile dysfunction Prostatitis, and. They also improve the production of testosterone, which is especially important for "menopause". Similar recipes as there are for women, they help fight inflammation, and normalize the synthesis of estrogen.
The reasons for the decline of potency

All the factors, negative-acting potency, can be divided into two groups: psychogenic and organic.
- Fatigue and mental exhaustion in combination with high loads (a great deal of responsibility at work, emotional Stress, mental stress in connection with the study or the processing of large amounts of information);
- Depression or subdepressivee condition;
- Posttromboticeski syndrome (condition after having experienced severe life events, e.g. divorce, death of a loved one, etc.);
- Self-doubt and increased anxiety, associated with the setbacks in private life, dissatisfaction with their appearance, penis size, etc.;
- Hypochondria – excessive worry about your health, if a man is on his non-existent illness or greatly exaggerates existing danger and fear of loss of masculinity for ever;
- Conflicts with the partner, the disappearance of sexual attraction to her.
For male potency
For the male potency in old age and in youth, you have a large amount of nutrients. Just for the supply of the body of the man with vitamins and mine-layers at the best of folk suitable ways. To increase male power the following required elements:
- Zinc;
- Selenium;
- Chrome;
- Magnesium;
- B-Vitamins;
- Vitamin C;
- Vitamin A;
- Vitamin E.
Rare Folk the methods can be called quickly. To produce the increase in the potency of folk medicine for 3 days, it will be difficult. Needs a longer treatment. Because the people's medicine primarily includes natural ingredients. You don't help immediately, but the effect is more stable than stimulating tablets.
One of the most useful products for men is a pumpkin. The greatest benefit it brings in the Form of juice and fresh, the seeds are not a successful heat treatment.
In the kitchen, the pumpkin contains large amounts of zinc. This Element the male body needs to produce large quantities of testosterone. This is especially important if a man in advanced age.
And fatty acids help levels of the representatives of the stronger sex all ages. Finally, in Prostatitis, in modern days, rejuvenated, and Omega-3 – its best prevention.
We offer you two special recipe, under the well-known Russian folk methods:
- Balls of pumpkin seeds with honey. You put them in the meat grinder 0.5 kg of fresh seeds, not roasted. Add a Cup of grease, honey, and blind, dense spheres with a diameter of about 10 mm. in the morning you eat two or three of such Vita. The most important thing in this recipe – properly clean the seeds. If you remove the shell, leave the thin films – the most for the potency of essential trace elements;
- Re-shelled is missing in a similar method as the seeds through the meat grinder. Blind from the resulting Tortillas and bake, not only dry in the dryer. It is a delicious and light Dessert for tea. To add to that, if the finished donuts honey.
This plant is not to bring everything to the point. Nevertheless, it is very useful for the enhancement of male potency. Especially a great source of the nutrients in the roots of celery. In the stems of the necessary minerals a bit less.
The rhizomes and stalks celery one of the best ways to quickly increase the potency of men. A glass of fresh juice can help celery directly in front of the act of intimate nature, you feel more self-confident.
You can try the following Folk remedies for male potency with celery:
- Izmelchaem rhizomes and stalks celery. Also add the shredded carrots and beets. Stir seasoned contained in the olive oil and lemon juice, and salt is better not to add. Eat like a normal salad, tasty, and nutritious;
- Dried Celery. Loops until the state of the powder. Convenient to use, constantly in the food to add, and at the same time improve its potency;
- Three rhizomes on a grater. Pack the mixture into two layers of gauze juice squeezing. 2 tablespoons per day is sufficient for strengthening male potency. You can add a little honey to make it more palatable;
- Finely chop the celery. Add small bunches of grapes, crushed walnuts nuts. Dressed with sour cream or other dairy products. Of the day without damage to the character can be eaten up to 2 servings, and to quickly restore your potency.
This plant, botanists called "Epilobium angustifolia", in ancient times, used in Russian folk medicine. For the treatment of male potency, the leaves and flowers are suitable. Just broth Ivan-tea is a good substitute for coffee and tea tea, the harmful to the sexual activity of men.
In the conversion tables popular means to improve potency used fireweed:
- The Tincture. Take a glass with boiling water and a tablespoon of dried Ivan-tea. Close the cover, hold for 20 minutes. Every morning and evening you drink a half a Cup of such tinctures for potency. The treatment of this national method, is thirty days. Rest as much and, if necessary, repeat;
- Decoction. 2 tbsp. L. dried plants pour into the pan, pour a glass of water. When the water boils, the heat do weaker, close the cover, the slight boiling for 15 minutes. Turn off the stove, two hours the pot to keep closed. Finished, the broth you can drink. The best solution is 2 teaspoons three times a day, on an empty stomach;
- Kombucha Drink. Opolaskivaniem teapot with boiling water. We need 3 TSP dried, Ivan-tea, and a Pint of boiling water. Brew our tea, but first, do not pour the whole volume of boiling water, only one-third. After 7 minutes add the remaining hot water, a little brew. This is a drink you can drink in large quantities, and the potency is restored. To taste honey, more or less, of boiling water to add, if you like strong or weak tea.
Ginger is one of those ingredients that were commonly used in the traditional medicine of the East. This root is excellent in order to it every day and strengthen your potency. Here you will find all of the necessary vitamins and minerals for a good male force.
In the following folk methods to improve the potency of men is:
- Take a fresh ginger root and pickle. We need a kilogram of product. Cut it in thin slices, depending on the shell cleaned. In advance Bank harvested with a capacity of 3 L, full Marinade. We need 1.5 Cup of rice vinegar, 3 tbsp. L. Sugar. Add the water, stir well. To sleep sliced ginger. After seven hours, you can eat;
- In this national procedure can be used as a dried ingredient "ginger", and fresh roots. Take ginger and honey in the ratio 1:1, mixed. Implement it in a cool place for 15 days. Before you go to bed, eat a couple of spoons. You can Dessert as useful for the potency;
- RUB fresh ginger rhizome on a grater, or better – not very fine. Pour the vodka. Ginger in the tincture of all the nutrients, which are not older than 12 days. Then filter the tincture through a sieve. To taste add the lemon juice, sugar and a little cinnamon. Before you go to bed, drink a teaspoon of the tincture with water.
As for the improvement of potency to home?
The right diet a very positive impact on male sexual life
Wanted to not to the doctor, many patients are interested in, such as the improvement of potency to home. Some of them are attacking is on the use of fast-acting drugs. But it is to be noted that such means of a number of contraindications. Much more effective approach to this Problem in a holistic way – physical activity, balanced diet, as well as traditional methods of normalization of potency for men.
Physical exercises accelerate blood circulation, what is the blood supply to the sexual Organ. During the teaching of the sport of endurance, it homeopathically a positive effect on the duration of sexual intercourse produces. For increase of a potentiality of men, it is recommended that the following exercises:
- Squats. You need to the classic squat, then return to the starting position. Repeat it is recommended that 20-25 times.
- "The steps of the soldiers". You must follow the steps, picking up the king's meadow to the belly. Holding hands is allowed to reposition, extend, either on a belt. You step within 1 Minute.
- The elevation of the basin. On the back sheet, on the hands, feet and shoulder. Lifting the pelvis and then back to the start position. The exercise should simulate the movement of "forward-backward". 25-30 times.
- "Keep the stone". Apart place the legs shoulder-width apart, keep the hands on the belt. Slowly squat, gently turn the king's meadow, crouching to not be up to the stop running. Engage the buttocks in this position, and maximum elongation. Repeat 10-15 times.
- "Bicycle". Lie on your back, keep your hands on the belt. To lead prosohnut king's meadow and lifting the hands, feet movement, simulating the journey on a Bicycle.
- Running on the spot. Running on the spot, way trying not to break the legs from the ground.
The constant and regular sit-UPS contributes to the improvement of the activity of the testes, they begin to of testosterone to produce, which has a direct impact on the potency
To achieve the result of Kegel exercises should be performed regularly, with progressive increase of load. Such movements may improve during sexual intimacy, to improve their length and quality.
Prior to the sexual intimacy of the oranges for the increase in the duration of sexual intercourse, it is recommended that
To improve erections, men should follow a special diet. There are products that increase the male forces and the improvement of the potency. These include:

- Fish. Especially good on the male potency flounder and mackerel have an impact. They contain large amounts of phosphorus, increases the production of male hormones.
- The Beet. It contains a large number of different amino acids to improve the Libido and increase the male force. The turnip is not recommended in Hepatitis and problems with the nervous system.
- Lemons, and oranges. It is recommended that immediately prior to sexual intimacy, because these fruits can be the duration of sexual intercourse. In addition, they act as antioxidants, healing the entire organism.
- Quail's eggs. To eat is allowed, even in raw Form, as the product is absolutely harmless. Large quantities of amino-acids and containing phosphorus, the improvement of the Libido and improve the quality of sexual intercourse.
- Bananas. Contribute to the extension of the duration of an intimate act, as well as the production of bright sensations during the. Additionally, bananas improve the operation of the entire reproductive system.
- Honey and pollen. Contain large amounts of Protein, which are necessary to the quality of sexual life. Involved in the production of testosterone, so that the effect of use you will notice quickly enough.
- Chocolate. Promotes the development of the hormone Serotonin, known as the hormone of joy. This product increases the Libido, and improves sensations during intimacy.
In addition, men should stop, products such as fat meat, sweet mineral water, alcoholic beverages, pastries. Exactly, these products are able to the deterioration of erectile function, and cause various diseases of the digestive tract. The amount of salt in food should be reduced.
Fast-acting methods
Quickly improve the potency help, some medicines, as well as special Massage. Massage technique has no contraindications, causes no complications, so that men before intercourse, the self-massage of the genitals is recommended.
The Massage is carried out under observance of the following rules:
- you must massage the area of the testes; and reduced Libido, thus, it is recommended that as often as possible.
- Massage on a daily basis and also just prior to the sexual contact.
- The Massage may also, during intercourse, it will help to maintain an erection, and increase the duration of intimacy.
- Massage is useful in the so-called male Menopause coming, on average, after 50 years.
- Movement of Massage should be smooth and easy to use, is not recommended, instruments of movement.
- During the Massage should not be no pain caused or unpleasant sensations. If you should occur to stop the process.
Massage gives you energy and improves the male power, but maximum effect may be reached only with regular implementation. Massage not only helps to increase potency in the home, but also increase their duration. Regular treatments, the intimacy of making more quality by new sensations.
Quickly the potency of drugs increase be used. It is not recommended only if all other methods of the correct result. Tablets have quite a lot of contraindications and side effects. Their regular use can lead to addiction. In this case, an erection will not occur without special tablets.
Folk remedies for the strengthening of male potency is not act immediately. However, if there are no serious clinical diseases, such methods help restore masculinity without harm to health and for a long time.